How can we

help you?



We recommend to our clients a feasibility study and a diagnosis, which are necessary to determine if your project has the necessary conditions to carry it out with the least amount of imponderables, in addition, the risks of each project are calculated. From this derive the appropriate processes to comply with the regulations as well as the fundamental engineering concepts that will provide your project with legal security and operational certainty regarding the administration of physical and environmental resources.

In effect, the Environmental Impact Statements base the procedures to counteract the negative processes to the media caused by industrial, construction, agricultural, landfill, injection and extraction activities to aquifers, which must be reported to SEMARNAT.

Investing intelligently requires distributing resources according to adequate prospecting, fortunately we have the financial instruments that could contribute to its healthy development. We have the support of American Express Financial Services with which you can negotiate deferred terms with the lowest rates in the market. Get advice from us.

Electrical tomography and Vertical Electrical surveys are a very affordable option in which, through dipole-dipole and pole-dipole methodologies, we can generate geophysical modeling that provides us with structural characteristics of the subsoil, such as cavities, landslides or cavernosities, in addition to detect fluids inside them when they contain them.

We have a department specializing in environmental matters that has ample capacity to provide not only advice regarding procedures to alleviate legal processes in progress, but also has the objective of achieving intercommunication between the engineering areas that could provide the necessary instruments and tools to your project to solve the root of the problem that caused the negative impact on your project.


Regarding Our Services

Our Department of Geohydrology, develops the search for aquifers and finding them through our Geophysical detection tools, allows us to understand the structural layout of the aquifer to determine the most suitable drilling points for water extraction, as well as provides quality data. of water for efficient usufruct. On the other hand, the order regarding the commissioned authority in terms of exploitation concessions, requires reports of Flow, expense and destination of the water, consult our legal department for guidance.

We have geophysical studies to characterize metallic and non-metallic deposits that resolve the knowledge regarding structural, lithostratigraphic information that allows us to know the feasibility of your project, however, additionally, some projects require the execution of studies of mineralogical and legal orientation that one of which we have the ability to diagnose and carry out.

Diagnoses are essential whose task will precede the type of Geotechnical and Geological studies which will be proposed in order to achieve the stabilization of slopes that could generate unnecessary risks in your project.

Describe the objective of the study, Layout or Masterplan, Mapping of the area preferably in UTM coordinates or Google Earth KMZ file, Previous Studies, Topographic Map, Photographs, You can also open a ticket to reserve a space to consult us and be able to diagnose.

For an adequate dispersion of the remaining loads, a Vertical Electrical Sounding Study must be incorporated with a Wenner arrangement according to the CFE standard J00-52.

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Successful and planned projects that enjoy long-term stability were properly prospected from the beginning... Contact us.