
Soil Remediations

For the characterization of contaminants within a diagnosis of contaminants, immiscible hydrocarbons are detected in the subsoil that, until diluted, can partially dissolve in water at very slow rates. They can be lighter than water (LNAPL) or denser than water ( DNAPL)• Form a separate and visible oily phase in the subsoil • Complex migration governed by gravity, buoyancy and capillary forces, and their interaction in the soil and subsoil, for which the following parameters will be determined with field and laboratory data:


Through the methodology for the processing of samples described by the USEPA, the necessary soil specimens are acquired to comply with the acquisition of in situ data, handling of samples unaltered by foreign compounds that cause disturbances in the results.

EMA accredited laboratories require compliance with the sampling and transport standard to process. On the other hand, the detection of compounds is determined by means of chromatography, mass spectrometry by heavy fraction by extraction and test Gravimetry.

Standards: The most recent techniques for evaluating contaminated soils are based on the risk analysis methodology, ASTM E1739/95, based on the risk posed to human health and the environment by the sum of individual risks posed by the chemical agents present. on the site, NOM-098-SEMARNAT-2002, and Nom-NMX-AA 141 SCFI Environmental Protection-Incineration of waste that regulate the maximum limits of toluene and hydrocarbons, and most common hydrocarbons.

After the diagnosis, the remediation criteria are determined based on the standards (Standard ASTM E1527-00) and Phase II (Standard ASTM E1903-97), remediation is promoted by Bioventilation, Extraction of soil vapors, incineration and for groundwater, Air Sparging, Skimming and Bioslurping techniques.

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