
Promoter of environmental legal issues

By concept Environmental Impact are all those factors that alter the physicochemical structures of ecosystems, for all those activities in which humans intervene. To determine them, it is necessary to know the configuration of the subsoil and therefore the proportions and compositions of both the geological structures that make up the subsoil and the fluids trapped inside. The endemic species of flora and fauna in the ecosystem, their quantification and behavior during the seasons of the year. The analysis of biotic and abiotic factors without human intervention is called undisturbed medium. Environmental impact studies are interdisciplinary studies where biologists and geohydrologists provide evidence, the interpretation of this evidence will lead to a report that studies those construction, agricultural, livestock or industrial activities that provide chemical compounds different from those constituted in the natural environment and that potentiate losses, migrations or behavioral changes in species, as well as the addition of compounds that alter the composition of water or subsoil, these alterations are known as contaminants. The purpose of the Environmental Impact studies determines the means to counteract said alterations, in search of achieving the implementation of economically profitable human activities, minimizing the factors of change in the ecosystems. The impact studies show and report to the authorities in environmental matters the strategies in order to guarantee the conservation of the species and the environment and also to the investors the sustainability of the resources.



The legal provisions regarding compliance with environmental legislation require companies and promoters to comply with the precepts described in all sections of the laws of the Official Mexican Standard and international standards, which are precursors to the surveillance, operation and monitoring of environmental factors. biotic and abiotic of all anthropogenic processes that contribute to environmental deterioration. Due to the above, it is necessary to notify the authorities of said degree and the appropriate measures to counteract it.

As an auxiliary tool in the interpretation of laboratory and field results, we use Csiverse, modeling software for the environment which is accepted by most international standards, including those required by NOM 001,002 and 003 for wastewater, NOM059 for flora and fauna, NOM 023,062 and 060 on soils, NOM 146 on land reclaimed from the sea, NOM 001,003,0015, 014,011, and 003 on water for the CNA, all these parameters are included in the matrices of the Environmental Impact statements submitted to Semarnat, in order to obtain work permits..

The function of the Commission is to favor and promote productive, conservation and restoration activities in forestry matters, as well as to participate in the formulation of plans, programs and in the application of the sustainable forestry development policy, all of the above applied to all those entities that develop activities directly related to forest resources or located in areas that affect them.


Each federal entity has its own Authority in environmental matters that regulates according to its laws the activities that could cause negative impacts, however the functional strategy that solves these issues in hierarchical order is the responsibility of Semarnat, that is, the development of an MIA can base the State requirements with no or little modification and adaptation of the Environmental Impact studies for their compliance, and if in a certain case adjustments had to be demarcated, a homologation would be sought with the benefit that the investment that supports said studies may contribute to the fulfillment of all regulations. State and Federal.

Our company acts as a promoter in environmental management and as a mediator in matters that are incumbent, opinions, fines, suspensions and closure of works, when so conferred on us.

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