It is a geophysical method of electrical exploration that measures resistivity values in one-dimensional form (1-D), that is, point data. It is a vertical investigation method, to find the resistivities below the sounding point by injecting current into the subsoil through electrodes, measuring the potential difference.
The measurement of the vertical electrical soundings is carried out with the Schlumberger or Wenner electrode arrangement, depending on the objective of the study. The vertical changes in the measurement points help us to identify resistivity anomalies.
In the data processing, it is sought to obtain the true resistivities and the thicknesses of the subsoil layers. In addition, geoelectric profiles and lithological units are generated.
Finally, we interpret the results obtained, integrating all the geological, geophysical, hydrological and topographical information of the study area with the aim of obtaining the interpretation that best approximates the geological reality of the subsoil, and propose the best solution to our customers.
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