
Our Solutions Make the difference

In engineering projects, planning strategies must include subsoil analysis studies.

See + Consultation Ticket.

Geophysics strengthens engineering

The beginning of the projects require the fundamentals to reduce the risks.

See + Consultation Ticket.

In Environmental Matters We base for your project

We are promoters for the realization of Environmental Impact Statements, we make it possible to comply with the LGEEPA standard that allows your Project to be carried out

Vea + Consultation Ticket.

2021, Constant Qualification

About us


The opportunity to collaborate with our clients has allowed our expertise to reform our vision, which at all times drives the innovation of new services that allow greater competition in our field of Engineering. After all, the specializations will contribute efficiently to your projects.See +


Our prestige is based on monitoring the evidence.

The evidence that leads to the issuance of diagnoses is acquired from instruments calibrated according to the standard or from laboratories certified by EMA.

Tested by


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We have the capacity to provide services to the Industry Petrolera.

Hydrocarbon logging, Real-time ESP parametric analysis, laminations, Gas detection, Structural detection.

Geo Portfolio

Geological tools.

The geo-tools available are Mineralogy, Paleontology, Statigraphy, estructural and Drilling whose use generates information for your project.


Geohydrology acquired by V.E.S´s

Applying characterization methodologies we indirectly infer the set of geometric and structural properties of the aquifer.


Company Constitution

Darcom Servicios Integrales S.A de C.V, started operations in Tabasco.

The first projects consisted of developing consultancies

Subsequently, its technological area was expanded, diversifying itself by offering services:

  • Analysis
  • App software
  • Consultancy
  • Environmental Impact


Opening of the Playa del Carmen Branch

Change of Administration and expansion of technological assets.

The company continued with a sustainable development, increasing its technological assets and expertise in Legal-Environmental matters and characterization of aquifers.

  • Engeenering
  • Consultancy
  • Environmental
  • Analysis

CDMX opening<

Increase in the academic degree of our Staff at the Postgraduate level.

The increase in knowledge generated an emancipation in such a way that human capital was incorporated with a broader academic degree..

Contractors decreased and patents increased.

  • Consulting
  • Geotechnics
  • Geohydrology
  • Environmental Impact
See +

Own resources.

The policy of increasing intellectual capital was implemented.

A third change in administration occurred.

Increase in technological assets for which new services were implemented.

  • Tomograph
  • Seismic
  • Geotechnics
  • Environmental
See +

We support complex problems. Contact us today for the best results.

We believe that the best way to solve Engineering is by communicating efficiently.

Consulting Ticket
We are open to opportunities

The talent of industry professionals is valued for future projects.

Our Services

We cover a wide range of Services.

The expectations that are required within the industries within the fields of Engineering in Earth Sciences.

Our Staff

Vanguard professionals

The members of our team are specialists each in their field who provide complex solutions in each scenario.


Geologist Hector Romero



Some analyzes carried out

Briefly, the theses and some works carried out are commented.


Feedback from our Clients

Some of our clients contribute with their valuable opinion of the Company.

We are satisfied!

They complied in a timely manner, their work exceeded expectations.

Their prices are considerably fair compared to the market.


Successful diagnosis!

We comply with the provisions of the law with your intervention.


Very serious!

They delivered their work on time and with minimal error.

Ing.César Camou

On time!

They complied without delay.


Economic Job

They stayed on budget and delivered the job well.

Our clients

Some of our esteemed Clients

They gave us the opportunity to provide them with our services.

Our Partners

Direct Collaborators

Your contribution financially potentiates the projects of some of our Clients.

Request a visit.

Our Services without leaving your Office

Simplify your projects and at any time you can establish the services you require in a simplified way.

Frequent questions.

Some questions and answers.

Within the range of services we offer our clients we include the timely dissemination of information.

We consider that each project contains different characteristics to which a closer communication is necessary.

Some projects have the need to obtain data in real time, so real support is a priority.

In the financing blocks we have deferred payments with preferential rates with American Express.

The best reward that enlivens our vocation is a client who puts their projects in our hands.

Regardless of the economic fluctuations that arise, we always intend to maintain constant prices.

Our business policy requires that the profiles of all the members of our Staff are constantly updated.

Schedule a free consultation 24/7

(+52) 558-6554-526

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