
Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)

When you want to know the horizontal and vertical variations of the subsoil, the 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography technique is applied. In this case it is assumed that the variations in resistivity in the subsurface in the direction perpendicular to that of the profile are infinite. With the measurements obtained directly from the field, a two-dimensional image is obtained that allows schematicizing the distribution of electrical resistivity in the subsoil. To carry out electrical tomography, two tetraelectrode arrangements are used, which are the most used: Pole-Dipole , Dipole-Dipole.                                                                                                                             



The methodology is developed with the electrode configuration required by each study objective, that is, it consists of estimating the electrical resistivity of the materials that make up the subsoil by driving an equidistant number of electrodes (metal rods) and injecting electrical current with a Resistivity Meter. through two electrodes and measure the voltage variation using two electrodes until completing the entire measurement line. With electrical resistivity we can make an interpretation of the possible structures that can be found in the subsoil. The structures that we commonly find in the Riviera Maya are: Caverns with air, caverns with water, cavities and cenotes. Through parallel or perpendicular measurement lines to cover the largest possible area of the land. The maximum depth of investigation varies from 5 to 20 meters deep, and this may vary due to the conditions of the terrain and subsoil. The measurement time will depend on the dimensions of the land and can vary from days to weeks according to weather conditions and access to the land.

Electrodic Arrangements: Pole-Dipole, Dipole-Dipole.

The analysis and management of data aims to obtain a 2-D model of real resistivities from the pseudosection of apparent resistivities obtained from the ground. An investment program will be required for this. These inversion techniques are based on carrying out an iterative process with which to obtain a real resistivity model, such that the apparent resistivity model that would be generated is as similar as possible to the apparent resistivity pseudosection measured in the field..

The integration of 2D electrical resistivity images, geological, geophysical, hydrological, geotechnical and topographic information of the study area will provide us with the interpretation that best approximates the geological reality of the subsoil, and propose the best solution to our clients..

All the results and conclusions are delivered to the client through the preparation of a report. Regarding the results we can conclude that 1. The cenotes are used for ecotourism projects. 2. Caverns can represent a geological risk when foundation houses or buildings.

The client must produce the accesses for the Tomography surveys, that is, splash plants (not cut trees), remove trunks and stones with a width of one and a half meters along the entire measurement line to be able to manipulate the instrumentation, wiring and probes to take measurements properly.

Send the location using KMZ in Google earth or the location of the land in real time from whatsapp, a description of the area and dimensions of the land and, if possible, the topographic map if available to or to the number WhatsApp: 9842400595

The costs are provided per linear meter of Electrical Tomography which start from $200 and additionally the cost of the report whose base starts from $5000. However, prices will fluctuate depending on the number of linear meters, distances and access to the land.

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